Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Interfaith couples are wise to raise children in a single faith

These people understand the importance of choosing one faith for their household. It is often at a life cycle service that I make the discovery that one parent is not Jewish. Assimilation has contributed to the ease of interfaith dating and ultimately interfaith marriage. When synagogues are welcoming this perhaps daunting task becomes easier to embrace. When both parents serve as role models this life choice is successful. We will have panelists who are successfully raising Jewish children both in married and divorced situations. We will also hear from grandparents who have non Jewish grandchildren. Lunch and break out sessions follow the panel. The cost is for lunch. Please RSVP if you plan to attend at egreenthetemple jacksonville. org or Edwinna at the temple at . For more information on programs at the Temple call or visit www.


Another site recomended t! o review: resak08 ( )

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